Webmaster tools
help customers to find the right websites which they’re looking for. It means
that customers can find the websites through searching when the website owners
use webmaster tools. In addition, webmaster tools tell the problems of the
websites to the website owners. The website owner can easily fix their websites
by using the webmaster tools. Our client website looks complicated, and can be
confusing when people first visit her websites, because there are too many
reading information on her websites. According to the article named “The dawn of marketing’s new golden age” points out that “Complexity is the enemy of the speed”. So if
our client uses webmaster tools to revise her websites, she can get more
attraction by customers and finally can increase her traffics as well.
The website
owners use webmaster tools for getting the information about which products are
popular. When the website owners get the information, they exclude the
unnecessary products and sells the only popular products, because they want to increase
their websites traffics. In addition, webmaster tools provide the useful
information which is called “query”. Website owners analyze the customers’
search term when they first come in to their websites and they analyze the
unexpected query based on the webmaster tools. The article says that
communication with customers are one of the most essential methods to increase
the traffics to their websites. Analyzing the customers by using webmaster
tools and revising the websites based on the customers’ analysis can be the
ways of communicating with customers. Therefore, if our client want to get more
traffics, she should use webmaster tools to research and analyze the potential