Monday, April 20, 2015

The thing that I learned during the semester

We learned a lot of concepts about digital marketing throughout the whole semester. However, among them, the most impressive lesson that I learned through this course was about the search engine optimization. Even if the field of digital marketing area gets the spotlight among people in modern society, I did not have any knowledge about digital marketing before taking this course. I haven’t heard what the search engine optimization is. I did not really know the principles of the advertisements how it comes out in the online websites such as google and yahoo. I finally recognized how the online advertisements work in online community and learned how search engine optimization is important in today’s world. People can find information which they are looking for more quickly and efficiently if the website owners make their information based on search engine optimization. Likewise, the owners earn more profits if they do search engine optimization because potential customers can find those websites or information easily.

Our course focused on not only learning basic concepts of digital marketing but also learning how to implement the practical online advertisements in Google. We chose one client and worked for our client throughout the semester. We negotiated with our client and created the online advertisements which the way that our client wanted. We tried to make efficient online advertisements, because efficient online advertisements can give a higher possibility of increasing her website rankings as well as increasing potential customer’s recognition. However, what I want to say is that I learned the practical collaboration with my teammates through implementing the real online advertisements for our client. I personally experienced how the teamwork is important in real business world and how the team members are important when people do team project. Our teammates are all nice people. I am an exchange student, so I could not help them well. But they knew my difficulties and tried to understand me a lot. I am really appreciate to my teammates’ understanding, because it was a hard work to them as well. If I go back to Korea, I will treat nice to other exchange students who are in my school. Now, I knew how it is difficult to live in the foreign country and how it is hard to do any kinds of works in other languages. I can fully understand it now. And also, I know that helping and understanding foreigner’s situation let them to feel thanks to the people who help them when they are in trouble.

In conclusion, unless I did take the digital marketing, I will have no knowledge about the field of digital marketing and cannot have an experience of learning it in Korea. There are many hardships through taking this course during the semester, but it was a great opportunity for me to further growth in the future as personally and professionally. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Webmaster tools for our client

              Webmaster tools help customers to find the right websites which they’re looking for. It means that customers can find the websites through searching when the website owners use webmaster tools. In addition, webmaster tools tell the problems of the websites to the website owners. The website owner can easily fix their websites by using the webmaster tools. Our client website looks complicated, and can be confusing when people first visit her websites, because there are too many reading information on her websites. According to the article named “The dawn of marketing’s new golden age” points out that “Complexity is the enemy of the speed”. So if our client uses webmaster tools to revise her websites, she can get more attraction by customers and finally can increase her traffics as well.

              The website owners use webmaster tools for getting the information about which products are popular. When the website owners get the information, they exclude the unnecessary products and sells the only popular products, because they want to increase their websites traffics. In addition, webmaster tools provide the useful information which is called “query”. Website owners analyze the customers’ search term when they first come in to their websites and they analyze the unexpected query based on the webmaster tools. The article says that communication with customers are one of the most essential methods to increase the traffics to their websites. Analyzing the customers by using webmaster tools and revising the websites based on the customers’ analysis can be the ways of communicating with customers. Therefore, if our client want to get more traffics, she should use webmaster tools to research and analyze the potential customers.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

About business experimentation

 First article shows the process of designing smart business experiments and states how to design the experiments when they start the experiments. According to this article, even though, sometimes there are situations that implementing experiments cannot reasonably tested, but doing experiments are very beneficial to people who run their businesses. Because it gives them many objective information based on their experiments and let them to do decision making. However, according to the video, not all scientific studies are created equal and also they have the limitation even if they are scientific researches. So it claims that people do not accept the results randomly and have to keep in mind that experiment results’ can have the limitation.

 Second article is related to the personal experience of conducting an experiment in the company named “Amazon”. Greg Linden was a person who worked in the Amazon and designed the experiment for his company at the first time. But he was criticized by the vice president of Amazon because the vice president thought that his experiments would distract customers from completing the purchase. However, experimentation can lead successful results throughout the years, so now people who do not try the experiment and change the website freely by themselves are fired in the amazon workplace. They conduct several kinds of experimentation such as A/B tests, simulation, and prototype and compare the results based on a factor which may trigger the difference.

 Through the articles and video, I can recognize that many people do many kinds of experiments in a daily life. For example, even if it just looks like a normal website, many people work hard for looking up their websites on the Internet. Before they look up on the internet, many webmasters conduct various kinds of experimentation and finally find the most effective way for their websites which can attract the visitors. But the most important thing is that people have to have a test-and-learn mindset because test can make changes and let the companies to do decision making.    

 I agree with these materials that designing experiments are beneficial to the companies. However, common people just see the results of the experiments, so they can not recognize the process of experimentation is so hard and complicated. I think conducting experiments is the hardest part among the whole process, because if people do not conduct the experiment of their services or products, they cannot estimate the risks and it can lead a tragic result in the later future.

 Our client newly wants to do sales coaching for women entrepreneur in online, but I think it can be both advantage and disadvantage. For advantage perspective, this targeting sales coaching can be a niche market, so it can increase the sales. On the other hand, it is so narrowing market that it cannot increase many sales compared to the broader target one. So I want to do experiment for the two different targets for which can increase more sales than the other. I can do A/B testing for approaching the experiment systematically.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Visiting Google

I visited Google company which is located in the Pittsburgh. I really want to go there someday if I have an opportunity because many people say that they want to get a job in Google because the Google company serves wonderful working environments. The picture I attached is a fraction of newspaper which is about surveying. It is written in Korean, but the survey is about which company do you want to go when you get a job. Google occupies the first place in this survey. The 42.5% job applicants answered that they want to get a job in Google and these results cannot change during the 4 years.

When I visited Google company, I really surprised about their unique working environments and I think it’s really nice, but the security is too thorough and the employees do not want to expose their information to the others so I cannot tell many of things in here. Anyway, it was really wonderful trip that I have ever had. But after the trip, I just wondered what requirements do people need if they get in to Google. And also, I just want to know people’s spec who work in Google. I hope to be able to work in companies such as Google in the future.

Search engine marketing tools

 The last blog post is about three different marketing tools. Today’s blog post is also introducing useful marketing tools but it's about search engine marketing tools. However, the difference between last blog post and today’s blog post is that today’s useful tools are more focusing on designing keywords. Last blog post shows the recent trend, but today’s blog shows how to find their own keywords as well as how to set up their keywords according to the limited budget.

 Google Keyword Planner is a website that people who are interested in setting advertisements utilize it. There are more than 100 million companies which already use this tool when they set up their new advertisements. They use this tool for various purposes such as increasing their sales, urging to revisit their website to the visitors, and attracting new customers. People can choose their own keywords which are fitting to their company’s image and make their advertisements according to their budget. People who use Google Keyword Planner can see how much those keywords are and the company can consider whether they choose these keywords or not according to their budget. If it is too expensive, they have to find another keyword. The company also can see their statistics every time and alter their advertisement according to their advertisement results.

 The website called uber suggest is also a website related to design keywords. People can use it when they do not know how to start their online advertisements because they provide a service of finding keywords for their own websites as well as tracking their websites’ rankings for free.

 Through this search, my question is when we find some keywords through ubersuggest at the first time, but imagine the situation that those keywords are too expensive, the company cannot use those keywords. So the ubersuggest recommends other keywords but it is not related to the website contents then how the company solve this kind of problem? 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Three useful marketing tools's

All of three website is based on marketing research. First one is about Google Trends. When people enter the website, people can see various kinds of trends and those kinds of trends are ranked on a scale of 1 to 5 like that. For example, this website provides us about the social issues which were the hottest issues during the year of 2014 and those were based on research such as the number of people’s clicking. This website is helpful to know global issues and also gives us an opportunity to recognize many people’s interests as well.


 Second one is called “Think with Google” It also shows some current trends which are focused on these days around the world. There are many different types of articles which have different issues or subjects. But the big difference between Google Trend and Think with Google is that Think with Google serves not only current trends but also provides several sites that are helpful to people. For example, Think with Google introduces Brand Impression website which is about every brand stories like what that brand are doing now. So people can know specific information in each brand through this website.


 The last one is “ Global Market Finder” It is also based on marketing research but the main difference is that people can type the keywords and it gives us information about each product market situation. People can select our business location, language and also they can use filter to which market they focus on. For example, my keyword is computer and I own my business in United States. I want to search my business that can be whether affordable in other nation market or not. The Global Market Finder serves many information about how many people search my keyword in each nations. But the most important information they serve us is that people can assume their profit through recommended bid because Global Market Finder shows how much money you can get when one person search your keyword in each area. So people can get information which are related to their business though that site.

 Those three websites are very useful to people. Nowadays, many technological advances has been made through the years and also the transitions are made quickly. So to become a more updated person, people try to have an interest in current trends and issues and try to use useful tools such as those three websites as well.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

About Google Online Marketing Challenge

 First of all, GOMC is the abbreviation of the Google Online Marketing Challenge. In the page of Discovery GOMC website, it defines the several steps of competition and gives us direction how to reach our final goals. This link is the specific information about the GOMC.

 Second one is about pre-course preparation for attending the Google Online Marketing Challenge. One of the important reasons that google hold this competition is that online marketing is very essential part in modern society. Many people use computers for buying things because people can buy products more easily and conveniently through online store. So the web page indicates that before starting the competition, people should create their own google accounts and try to use google business solution as well.

 Web is a very exciting place. Millions of people around the world search the webs and utilize them every day. So many business people around the world tries to do businesses by online because online marketing can also be an opportunity to show their products to the customers and it can bring a lot of advantages to firms. In addition, some corporations also use big online marketing sites such as Amazon to out post their businesses and try to get more popularity compared to the past.

   It’s my first time to learn about online marketing and also I’m not good at computers even though I’m a business major. I think that online marketing also have many specific sections. Through this opportunity, I want to learn more specifically about online marketing and want to learn a lot about how to make profits by operating a real project.